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Compare our savings accounts

Not everyone marches to the same beat, and our range of savings accounts reflects that. Compare them here to see which suits you best.

Account name Interest rate Open with Max amount Fixed term? Easy access?

Regular Saver Account

This savings account rewards you for being disciplined enough to not touch your money for 12 months.

Interest rate

5% AER/gross fixed for 12 months.

Interest calculated daily and paid on 12 month anniversary of account opening.

Open with

Minimum £25.

Max amount

Save from £25 to £300 per month for 12 months. If you save less than £300 in any month, you can carry over the difference to the following months - up to £3,600 per year.

Fixed term?

Yes - 12 months.

Easy access?

No - withdrawal from this account is only possible by closing it.

Full details

Cash ISA

Saving money feels good. Doing it tax-free feels even better.

Interest rate

Pay no tax on interest earned.

0.85% AER (0.85% tax-free) variable on balances of £1 and over.

Open with


Transfers from other providers welcome.

Max amount

£20,000 this tax year.

Fixed term?


Easy access?

Yes - instant access by transferring to another first direct account.

Full details

Bonus Savings Account

Get rewarded for saintly savings habits. Every month you leave your money untouched you get bonus interest.

Interest rate

0.60% AER/gross variable on balances up to £25,000 in each calendar month you don't make a withdrawal (0.10% AER/gross if you do).

0.30% AER/gross variable on amounts above £25,000 (or 0.10% AER/gross if you withdraw that month).

Open with


Max amount

No max.

Fixed term?


Easy access?

Yes - no charge, though bonus interest won't apply during calendar month of withdrawal.

Full details

Fixed Rate Savings

If you have a lump sum to save, our Fixed Rate Savings account allows you to lock it away for a fixed term.

Interest rate

Between 0.65% AER/gross and 0.75% AER/gross on balances between £2,000 and £1 million.

Open with

£2,000 or over.

Max amount

£1m lump sum.

Fixed term?

Yes - 12 months.

Easy access?

No - withdrawal from this account is only possible by closing it and has a £100 fee.

Full details

Savings Account

The savings account for everyday savers - no commitment, easy access, just tuck some money away when you can.

Interest rate

0.15% AER/gross variable.

Open with


Max amount

No max.

Fixed term?


Easy access?

Yes - no charge.

Full details

Protecting your money. Deposits protected by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.


AER stands for Annual Equivalent Rate. This shows you what the rate would be if interest were paid and compounded each year.

Gross is the rate of interest if interest were paid and not compounded each year.

Tax-free means free from UK Income Tax and Capital Gains Tax.